Just in time for Spring

Now that spring is here, the gardening season is upon us which will most definitely leave us with hands covered in dirt that won't come clean.
Well, I found a great recipe from the doTERRA blog for making a gardener's hand soap. Not sure what to do with all that white sugar in the pantry? Well, this recipe uses just that. The white sugar you have taking up space in your kitchen. You will actually be able to use this recipe for anything that gets your hands dirty, greasy and grimy. It works great!
This hand soap exfoliates, cleanses, and moisturizes and you can tailor it to your preferences with just the right essential oils - See more at: https://doterra.com/US/en/gardener-hand-soap#sthash.0jtAsquw.dpuf

1/2 cup white sugar 3 tablespoons liquid Castile soap 1 teaspoon almond oil 7 drops Clary Sage 5 drops of Melaleuca
*Other great oil combos are; Eucalyptus-Spearmint, Cedarwood-Frankincense-Wild Orange, and Peppermint-Wild Orange-Lavendar.
In a small bowl, add all ingredients and stir until smooth and combined.
Pour into air-tight container and keep next to sink for easy use.
To use, grab a handful of soap and scrub at your dirt-covered hands. After you're done, your hands will be clean, soft, and exfoliated.
To Your Health,