Mindful Eating

Want to learn to eat mindfully?
I'm here to help you learn what mindful eating is all about and how it can help you keep your weight down.
But first, why am I talking about eating mindfully anyway?
Good question!
In the modern world we eat for convenience rather than for nutrition. We eat for instant gratification rather than long-term health benefits.
Can you imagine learning a new way of slow eating in which you actually get to experience the tastes and textures of your food rather than wolfing it down in a hurry or snacking on the go?
I can help you to learn to slow down and eat mindfully! I can help you to see the food you eat as medicine that not only nourishes your whole system, but also tastes delicious!
So what is mindful eating?
Mindful eating means taking the time to honor your food by choosing high quality, organic food, preparing it with care and eating it slowly and mindfully using your five senses to really enjoy it.
It means allocating quiet time to prepare and enjoy eating your meal without rushing or multitasking at the same time.
Mindful eating is a way of saying to yourself: “I respect my body enough to be mindful of what I put into it and of the way I eat.”
Think of this type of eating as a meditation. It means choosing to be present with your food and the way you eat it.
My clients find that eating mindfully helps to:
Sense intuitively when you are full
Gain way more satisfaction from eating
Develop a healthy relationship with food
See food as medicine
Discover new tastes and textures
Improve digestion (less gas and bloating)
Regulate bowel movement
Discover food sensitivities
Create healthy habits that enliven you
How will I know if it’s time for me to learn to eat mindfully?
Glad you asked! It’s time for you to practice mindful eating if you answer “YES” to any of these questions:
You get bloated after eating
You scoff down your food like there is no tomorrow
You eat just to feel full not to enjoy the tastes
You eat to numb out
You want to learn to enjoy healthy food
You feel bloated easily
You gain weight easily
You crave sugar or starchy foods
You have difficulty focusing or foggy brain
You feel lethargic after eating
You have allergies or hay fever
You feel addicted to eating foods that aren’t healthy for you but you can’t stop
You tend to gain weight easily, especially in your belly
You have extra pounds that won’t come off with diet and exercise
What do I do now?
In my health coaching practice, I help clients discover what triggers them to overeat or binge eat. Then I lead them through a step-by-step process to learn how to eat mindfully and to learn what to eat for their unique body type.
If you answered “YES” to any of the symptoms above, then click here now to schedule a time to talk with me about how you can learn to eat mindfully.
I’ll help you understand what’s blocking you from eating mindfully and I’ll show you how to get started.
To your health!