14-Day Cleanse
Complete Reset
for the experienced
Do you want to shed excess weight, boost your energy, feel lighter and cleaner? Maybe you want to decrease your craving for unhealthy foods, or lower your stress and anxiety.
With this program you will do all that plus things you may have not thought of:
Experience deeper sleep and clearer skin
Improve digestion (less gas and bloating)
Decrease allergy symptoms
Discover food sensitivities
Get ready to kick start your body's natural ability to heal with the 14-Day Reset
Do you:
Get bloated after eating
Tend to gain weight easily especially in your belly
Have extra pounds that won’t come off with diet and exercise
Have headaches more than occasionally
Frequently belch or feel gassy or gurgling in your belly
Tend to feel lethargic during the day
Have intense cravings for sugar or starchy foods
Have skin issues
Experience mood swings or anxiety
Have difficulty focusing or experience foggy brain
Have allergies or hayfever
Experience pain, muscle achiness, or stiffness in your joints
Feel addicted to foods that you know aren’t good for you... and yet you can’t stop
Feel anxious, upset, nervous, or downright cranky
What’s Included:
3 Coaching Sessions (by phone or in person):
1 Initial Pre-Cleanse prep 60 minute call to help set your intentions, walk through the shopping list and recipes, and prepare your mind and body for the upcoming detox.
1 Mid-Cleanse 30 minute call to address any challenges or questions that you may be experiencing.
1 Post-Cleanse 30 minute re-Introduction call to help guide you in the re-introduction of foods, help you identify any food sensitivities and prepare you for your post-detox life.
Complete 14-Day Cleanse Manual: A complete guide with step-by-step instructions for each phase of the detox.
Suggested meal plans including delicious whole foods recipes and a done-for-you shopping list. You will know exactly what to buy and cook.
Personal phone/email support throughout the detox.
Access to my facebook page to receive inspiring tips and easy action steps to keep you motivated and on-track.
The cleanse consists of 3 phases:
Phase 1: pre-cleanse preparation (2 days). This is where you set your intentions, shop for cleanse-friendly ingredients, and begin to prepare your body and mind for the full detox experience.
Phase 2: cleanse and detoxify your body (7 days). During the cleanse you will follow the simple done-for-you elimination plan and body cleanse practices.
Phase 3: re-introduction (5+ days). You will reintroduce foods slowly, one-by-one in order to identify any food sensitivities and intolerances and create a maintenance food plan that best serves your unique body.
Note: We can adjust the schedule for a 28 day cleanse.
How does it work?
The Detox is done when you want and where you want. You don't have to attend classes or travel anywhere. You don’t need to take the week off from work, own a juicer or fancy kitchen gadgets, or deny yourself the pleasure of delicious food.
You will receive your detox guide and materials via e-mail after you register.